E=MC Squirreled

FTC Team #4508

> Liberty Scrimmage

This year, we hosted the Liberty Scrimmage. We wanted to give the public a chance to check out FTC, as well as FLL. We also wanted teams to get the experience of competing with other teams, before their first qualifier.

Work done by team prior to the event

We worked with ORTOP to coordinate training referees and inspectors at the event. We also marketed the scrimmage to FTC teams and got a total of thirteen teams to sign up. We also set up the pits, complete with an outreach movie, so that parents and siblings could become interested in joining FIRST.

Roles that we filled during scrimmage

At the scrimmage, we helped repair team's robots and software, so that every team had an opportunity to compete. We also organized scrimmage rounds and made sure teams knew the schedule. To fill vacant competition slots, we used our robot. This allowed us to run every single match with four robots. We also gave VIP tours to show off the FTC program and encourage funding for ORTOP

Work done by the team after the event

We coordinated with five teams to speak for thirty minutes to the FLL teams during the FLL State Championship closing ceremony. We talked about FTC, and encouraged the FLL teams to continue with FIRST after FLL. Each FTC team described the features of their robot and why they liked FTC. We also explained how to play the Ring It Up game.

Finally, we Cleaned up areas of the school, in preparation of the Liberty scrimmage on the 1/20.